Friday, March 9, 2012


Well, here it is March 9th and I haven’t posted in a while. 

A couple of reasons:

1.  The crafts I have been doing have been repeats of things I’ve already posted about.  i.e. another family crest for a close family friend and homemade coasters for a co-worker that weren’t my own idea.  But thanks Pinterest!

2. Things have actually been a little busy at work and so I haven’t been wasting time there.

3. When I’m at home with Jason, I like to spend time hanging out with him and not hidden in the office on the computer.  Sorry.

But mostly, he and I have actually been very busy.  Doing what you ask?

                MARCHING INTO MADNESS!!!

Sorry, I had to, with the ACC tourney under way and my boys over at UNC bringing down the house against Duke last week, it seemed fitting!  Hahah

So what kind of madness could I possibly be referring to that doesn’t have to do with our already crazy lives with unique jobs and 2 dogs and training for a 10K and planning a wedding?  Whew…that makes it sound like a lot, huh?  Well……………we are fully into the threshold of house hunting!  OMG, can you believe it?  

First things first:  Jason and I rent a very nice, big house in the middle of Spencer.  Being such, it holds a pretty hefty rent.  It’s not anything that we can’t handle, but it is a large sum of money that we’re paying solely to help someone else pay a mortgage.  Why?  Well we weren’t entirely sure that we would still be in Rowan Co. when we first signed a lease.  There was still a chance that we would be moving to Davidson Co. and we didn’t want to buy a house in Rowan, just to up and relocate within the next year.  With today’s economy/market, it didn’t make sense.  So, here we are 18 months after moving in together and we are now certain that Rowan Co is where we’ll be.  

We have found ourselves in a very good situation financially and it seems silly to keep throwing money out the window every month and having nothing to show for it at the end of the year. 
We also have had several strange people approach our house at all hours of the day for no particular reason.  Our dogs are pretty protective, but when push comes to shove, there’s really no reason to put our pups in a situation of HAVING to protect us.  And roughly 1 month ago, there was a high speed chase that ended in a crash in the front yard of our neighbor’s house, 2 homes down.  We were just lucky that it wasn’t our front yard, as we’re much closer to the road than they are. 

Thus, IT IS TIME TO GET OUT OF THIS HOME.  Also, I’m suzy home-maker and the fact that I can’t paint/build shelving/customize our home is literally driving me bananas!!

So there are all the reasons that March is madness for us.  Tomorrow will be an all new post about the first steps for our first time home buying experience!

Love as always!

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