Thursday, December 8, 2011

13.1 miles....because we're only half insane

I’m pretty sure my sister hates me.  See, she’s motivated and I’m not.  So she goes out and runs a half marathon, while I run a 5K.  I was okay with my time, but not totally.  But instead or letting me train to do better on a 5K or just up the ante to a 10K, my sister (we’ll call her Thing 2, since I’m obviously Thing 1, oh yea, btw, we're twins), asks me if I want to do a half marathon.  Well I’m way too proud to say no.  And I have this nagging feeling that I need to be healthy.  It could be Pinterest and its fitness category or every magazine that I own or the celebrities that self-esteem experts tell us not to compare ourselves too.

Whatever it is, I accepted the challenge.  I completed a triathlon this past summer and on Saturday, my fiancé (who from here on out will be known as “RSG” for Real Southern Guy) ran our first 5K.  I think this picture best describes the experience
image via Pinterest

I had a lot of fun at the 5K, but it was still harder than I thought it was going to be.  It was my first experience running with that many people around me.  And let me let you in on a little will out run you.  Get over it, they have a lot of energy.  I don't.  They don't share their energy very well.  God Bless them.

So, RSG will be my coach for the half marathon.  He'll also be my running partner along with my sister.  I have no idea if they'll actually stay by my side in the race, and it really won't matter since I won't be able to breath well enough to talk to them.  Anywho, RSG was a runner in high school and still out runs me no matter how much more I exercise than he does.  I blame it on his long legs.  He beat me on the 5K by more than 6 minutes.  But he made sure to meet me at the last 1/10th of a mile and encouraged me to finish strong.  He's a keeper. 

RSG found this workout schedule for us to train by.

The circuit that I'm doing:
image via Pinterest
The plan is to do this for 2 weeks.  Week 1 is 2 sets and week 2 will be 3 sets.  I will probably find a different circuit to do for every 2 weeks.  Check back with me Sunday and I’ll let you know how that 7 mile run goes……YIKES

Love and health,