Jason Asked!!!! YAHOO!!! and by asked, clearly I'm referring to "Will you Marry Me?" And of course, I cried and said YES!
So here's how it all went down:
First off, I'm very nosey. And by nosey, I mean I have a curosity about things that is not easily subdued. Jason let it slip one night when we were discussing getting married (for the ump-tenth time) that he already had a ring. Needless to say, I was very excited. I was a good girl though and did not go on a hunt for said ring. Besides, Jason said he also wanted to do more to it. So it wasn't even the full ring that I would have found, if I had been so inclined to do so.
Skip ahead a few weeks and the ring appears with Jason in tow. Turns out, this ring was a family heirloom of mine. My great Aunt Polly's to be exact. It's antique, vintage and gorgeous. But not really Jason's or my style.
So, next thing you know, we're off to the jewelers, for a second time. Thats right, we had already been to look at rings once before. The first time, we found a gorgeous ring at Ellis Jewelers. We printed it out and posted it in the house for a year to stare in awe at it's awesome-ness and wait for a hefty paycheck to land in our laps. Didn't happen. When we went back, no more awesome ring. Boo! So off to Hayes we go. Let's just say, a little bit of patience goes a long way. 'Cause at Hayes, there are hundreds of pretty pretty diamond rings to look at. And even when you find a beautiful one that really catches your eye, there are 10 more that are so similar, you need a jeweler to point out the difference. So we both narrowed down what we really liked (I liked, he he). Zach (the jeweler) promised to hold onto the ring and gave Jason a wink and a nod.
And so, that brings us to the actual proposal. Obviously, I knew it wouldn't be long after a second trip to the jewelry store, I just really had no idea how or where or when.
Well Jason called me up one night while I was at work and asked if I could get permission to come into work late on Monday, Sept 12. Hmmmmm....somethings up. But he made me ask no questions and don't be nosey. NOT EASY!!! I kept trying to slip in a question and see what was going on, but he caught on each time and wouldn't budge.
So here comes the weekend before Sept 12. It's the opening day of hunting season (woo-hoo...) on Saturday. So Friday, Jason has me help him hang a deer stand, feed his
pets deer, and generally just stomp through the woods. I make plans to visit friends on Saturday evening since he'll probably be back in the woods and then to watch the Panthers on Sunday with my family.
This is Jason during hunting season....notice the extra cheesy smile? |
Saturday morning comes along and Jason hops up at 6:30 in the morning (a little late for hunting according to him, but hey, I figured why argue) and goes into the spare room and is not quiet!! Next thing I know, the light is on in the bedroom, he yanks the sheets off of me and tells me to get up. He said we're going on a trip, you're bags are already packed, so lets go. Don't ask questions, just come on.
Holy crap...he's missing hunting season....this is BIG!! I mean gargantuan! Ginormous...extra huge!!
An hour later (yea, I'm not a quick surprise getter-upper), we're in the car. Jason was very sneaky and canceled all my weekend plans behind my back.
Sorry Sarah and Kali!!
About 30 minutes into the ride Jason is whining that he'll have to stare at the rising sun the entire time. I asked why and he said because we were going east until we couldn't drive any further. DING DING DING! We're going to the Outer Banks!! I am so excited! And Jason is only good at keeping secrets until certain points. Then somehow, the surprise always slips. Gosh I love him. He showed me the hotel reservation and I am so super excited. Oceanfront at the Hampton. yay!!
Our Hotel!! Gorgeous right? |
Photo courtesy of the Hampton
Jason had asked me to take along one nice outfit (I brought 3). Saturday night he took me out to dinner at a restaurant of my choice. I chose a place called Aqua S because it had a spa attached. It just seemed swanky to me, and hey, I figured if he was going to propose at dinner, how awesome would it be at a place called Aqua S at the Outer Banks? Well one very expensive cocktail and some seafood later, no proposal. Dun duh... But Jason said he was really full from his fish and needed a walk out on the beach to work some of it off.
I should have been on to something at this point, since he had already complained that there wasn't enough food for him. But that was before he actually ate anything, so I thought maybe he was actually more full than he had originally anticipated.
So at this point, I was actually getting really sleepy. Anybody who knows me, knows that I have a pretty regular bedtime of 10 pm at the latest. Jason also knows this, but he was persistent. So I caved, what could it hurt, he could be proposing then. But honestly, I thought my chances of a Saturday proposal were shot.
So we take my camera back to the room and head out to the beach.
Of course I had my camera at dinner because I thought he was going to ask then. Turns out, it was a very nice walk. The moon was shining on the water and the stars were very visible. And the steps over the dune to get to the beach from our hotel were lit up with light ropes and it was very pretty.
So here it is, so pretty and warm and no one else out on the beach except us two. Well what does Jason want to talk about? THE TRASH on the beach. And just in case you missed it, we had a visitor to the area about 2 weeks ago. Her name was Irene. She was big, slow and very messy. And well, yea, she brought a lot of trash with her.
So as Jason was making a big deal out of all the trash on the beach, I was looking at him and saying, "yea honey," "un huh, lots of trash, big deal," "Jason, it's just trash and drift wood and brush." Well he wouldn't let it go. And at one point, he literally made me follow him to look at all the trash *eye roll* Next thing he's doing is toeing the sand and finds a bottle. He looks at me and says "hey babes, look here. What do you think it is?" Me: "Jason, it's just a bottle, leave it there please"
But he doesn't leave it there. So here he comes with a bottle out of the sand. But....after giving this darn thing a second glance, it's not a beer bottle, but an unlabeled wine bottle with a message rolled up in it with a pretty ribbon conviently tied around the paper to allow for easy removal.
Now, my first thought was, how in the world did my boyfriend manage to find the only bottle buried beneath the sand that actually had a message in it from some far away land/pirate/Tom Hanks from his Castaway Island? (I'm embarrased to even share that, but it's true).
See dumbfounded look on Tom's face? Yea, that's me |
So Jason removes the note, and hands it to me. I unroll it and start reading and then it finally hits me...HE'S PROPOSING!! No, you don't get to read the poem. At least not yet. I'm starting to get choked up and at the end of the poem it reads "Will you Marry Me?" And then Jason is on one knee and I'm saying YES!!! as he slips the most gorgeous ring on my finger!!! Hugs and kisses and hugs and kisses later, WE'RE ENGAGED!
My gorgeous ring!! |
My ring with that pretty bow and bottle |
I can not even begin to describe how excited both Jason and I are to finally be official. We've been talking about it for a long time and I've practically got my ideas for the wedding on paper (ok, so I actually do). We won't be setting a date for awhile but as soon as we do, we will be sure to let everyone know.
So there ya have it. The proposal story, all rolled up in a bottle with a pretty little bow to help get it out.
Hugs and Kisses